WRAL-FM’s Doug Miller (center) with 9-year-old twin sisters who participated in DJ U. The musical young ladies played their ukele and sang a song on air, a highlight for Miller.
On Thursday nights, MIX 101.5 features some of our youngest listeners with DJ University. WRAL-FM Air Personality Doug Miller guides the young disc jockeys in their superstar night on the air, as kids help DJ a half-hour of programming.
WRAL-FM kicked off the feature in late March of 2018, so a little over a year in Capcom checked in with Miller to see how the program is going.
“The feature is really going great!” he said. “We’ve had 300+ entries since we kicked it off. The kids that come in are so bright and absorb what I throw at them in the brief time they are with us.”
Miller gives the guest DJs a mini “crash course” in on-air presentation so they will know what to expect from the evening.
“We want them to be as relaxed as possible and just be themselves,” he explained. “Most importantly, it’s my goal that they have fun!”
DJ U takes place every Thursday night. The team took a brief hiatus over the holidays but all told around 50 kids have gotten the opportunity to guest DJ since the program began. Students as young as 6 and as old as 13 have taken part.
Capcom asked Miller about memorable moments over the past year.
“One of my favorite moments was a couple of months ago,” he said. “We had twin sisters, age 9, on the air. They told us they sang and asked if they could bring in their ukulele and perform a song. They were so good!”
He added, “Also, for fun, we do a ‘pop quiz’ as part of the ‘university’ experience. I ask them questions like, ‘what’s their favorite meal their Mom makes for dinner,’ and ‘who they look up to the most.’ I’ve teared up a couple of times as they answer totally from their heart.”
Miller enjoys being the facilitator for DJ U and loves working with the kids who come through the MIX studio.
“My favorite part of the feature is just getting to share the ‘radio experience’ with them,” he said. “I’ll never forget the first time I went to a radio station when I was 10 years old. I’d like for them to be able to remember their time at MIX, when they are adults as well.”
Tune in to WRAL-FM MIX 101.5 on Thursday nights from 7:00-7:30pm for the best and brightest Triangle kids on DJ U.
Find Out More
Thanks to WRAL-FM’s Doug Miller for these capcom photos.
WRAL-FM’s Doug Miller gets a thumbs up in the studio from one of the DJ U participants.
WRAL-FM’s Doug Miller with one of his DJ U participants who is a Girl Scout.
WRAL-FM’s Doug Miller (center) with 9-year-old twin sisters who participated in DJ U. The musical young ladies played their ukele and sang a song on air, a highlight for Miller.