WRAL-TV Coats for the Children Telethon Broadcasts TODAY

Keeping children warm for 35 years! WRAL-TV is once again collecting warm winter clothing, money and new toys for Salvation Army families in need. This annual community service campaign, presented by Jiffy Lube and The Whitley Law Firm, is one of WRAL-TV’s signature events. Now through Dec. 31, WRAL-TV invites the public to donate new […]
29th Annual MIX 101.5 Radiothon Raises Over Half Million $ in Two Days for Duke Children’s

WRAL-FM made the big announcement on the evening of Thursday, December 13, 2023, after two days on the air with the MIX 101.5’s 29th Annual Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital. The grand total raised tallied over $540,000! “Over a half million dollars raised for the kids at Duke Childrens! $541,874.39 to be exact…but who’s counting,” […]