Fletcher Foundation Launching Nonprofit News Site
Starting Jan. 1, 2000, a new Web site will deliver daily news about philanthropy and nonprofits in North Carolina and the U.S. Nonprofit News Online, a project of the A.J. Fletcher Foundation, also will feature a free, weekly email newsletter.
Nonprofit News Online will report on fundraising, giving, managing, volunteering, innovation and technology in the nonprofit world. The site also will:
- Publish editorials, opinion columns, letters and announcements about nonprofit people, organizations and events.
- Host electronic discussions on critical issues facing nonprofits and philanthropy.
- Conduct electronic surveys about nonprofits and philanthropy.
- Provide links to a broad range of online resources for nonprofits, donors and volunteers.
Nonprofit News Online will be edited and published by Todd Cohen, founder and former editor and publisher of the Philanthropy News Network and the Philanthropy Journal of North Carolina. For more information, send an email to tcohen@ajf.org or call 919-890-6241.