MIX 101.5 Has a New Studio |
The big day finally arrived! After much planning, equipment selection, color coordination, toil and labor, MIX 101.5 finally flipped the switch on the new on-air studio, Wednesday, December 8, 1999. Diane Ramsey was the lucky air personality to be the first to broadcast from the new studio shortly after the ribbon cutting ceremony.
The new studio is state-of-the-art. It was designed and built by Pacific Research & Engineers (PC&E). PC&E has built studios for seven of the top ten radio stations in the U.S., as well as networks like ABC, CBS and ESPN Radio. It also has built showcase facilities, including Disney World, Universal Studios and can even be seen on the set of the TV sitcom Frasier. Ergonomics, optimizing efficiency and making sure critical equipment is always within arm’s reach were some of the main criteria in the studio design.
Basically the studio is a room within a room. The interior is 14′ x 20′ with 4″ steel walls that make the studio virtually soundproof and has an outside window, which by the way is 1″ bulletproof glass! All the computers are remotely located equipped with flat screen monitors and key boards that are neatly tucked away under the counters. Since the studio is much larger than the old one, there is more room for interviews or performances. There are six microphones, three telephones and a producer’s area. If you are at the facility, please feel free to take a peak. It is truly an awesome facility!
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