American Tobacco To Light Lucky Strike Tower for Holidays on Friday, December 4th |
American Tobacco will light up for the holidays on Friday, December 4, 2009, with a special celebration at 7pm. The Lucky Strike Tower will be lit for the holidays with a magical evening of holiday music and bright lights.
As always, American Tobacco’s big show on the lawn will feature traditional holiday music, exceptionally bright lights, and a finale that will have you chasing snow flakes!
That’s right; it will SNOW on December 4th in downtown Durham! You will want to come early for the best views and to enjoy a special performance of an eleven person strong handbell choir!
Bells Will Be Ringing
As a way of welcoming you to the event, the beautiful sounds of handbells will be ringing on the lawn. “The Welkin Ringers,” a combined choir of eleven handbell ringers from Aldersgate and Mt. Sylvan United Methodist Churches in Durham, co-directed by Rev. Nan de Andrade of Aldersgate and Mrs. Kathie Wilkinson of Mt. Sylvan will begin playing at approximately 6:35pm. They will be playing a selection of carols and Christmas favorites with three octaves of English handbells.
Luminaries Lighting The Way!
The American Tobacco Campus will be decorated for the holidays and waiting on guests to arrive on December 4th, but there will be a special treat sure to put a twinkle in your eye. There will be nearly 500 beautiful and well-placed luminaries on the campus to “light the way” to a wonderful evening.
The luminaries this year are courtesy of Girl Scout Troop 514. Troop 514 is a group of Cadette Girl Scouts that are intelligent, energetic, fun loving and great friends! The girls love to get involved with any activity or event that benefits all kinds of people, especially when it means making them smile. Most of all, the Troop enjoys activities that include helping to care for and protect animals and our wonderful planet, Earth.
Another Reason To Join Us For This Great Night . . .
Be one of the first 500 people to join Ken Smith of WRAL TV on the lawn and receive a souvenir light wand. Smith is hosting ATC’s event for the third consecutive year!
Each year, he has so much fun and is blown away by the talent of our participating groups. No doubt, this year won’t be any different!
Be sure to say a big “hello” to Ken Smith when you see him and let him know that we appreciate him coming over to Durham to help “light things up!”
And Don’t Forget That YOU Can Make The Holidays Brighter by Joining Our FOOD DRIVE . . .
Please bring along some kid-friendly, non-perishable foods and be part of our FOOD DRIVE benefitting the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle’s BackPack Buddies program. It’s a great time of year to give back, so fill up a sack!
Be sure to visit our photo gallery to see last year’s event.
For directions to American Tobacco, click here.