TV Technology Features WRAL-TV’s Ability to Adapt and Respond to COVID-19

WRAL-TV TV Technology article

TV Technology has featured WRAL-TV for the station’s adaptation and responsiveness in reporting during the COVID-19 crisis.  “WRAL Keeps News Staff, Viewers Connected” focuses on how the WRAL-TV crew reports from home, stays safe in the field and has made adjustments in the newsroom to keep social distance.  Tom Butts spoke with WRAL-TV Director of […]

Bored at Home? Get Creative with These WRAL Coloring Sheets

WRAL Coloring Sheet

WRAL is happy to help you pass the time at home with some fun for the whole family. Find your colored pencils, markers or crayons, and get creative while watching your hometown station. WRAL has designed fun coloring sheets in the adult coloring book style, with swirls and flowers and funky designs perfect for kids […]

American Underground Aims to Help Laid-Off Workers Pivot to Entrepreneurship

If you have lost your job and want to become an entrepreneur with hopes of launching a new career, American Underground wants to help. The startup hub is launching a new program – Landing Spot – that it says will help workers make a “pivot.” “Losing your job, particularly during the current crisis, can feel […]

WRAL’s Out & About Supports Local Business, Launches Daily Podcast, During Coronavirus

WRAL’s Out and About usually keeps track of the latest concerts and events, posting times and tickets information.  COVID-19 has brought those outings to a screeching halt, but the CBC entity is working hard to pivot and support local businesses by helping share constantly updated information during these unprecedented times. “Through running Out and About, […]

This Day in CBC History: The Legacy of Scottie Stephenson

Scottie Stephenson

CBC lost our longest term employee, Corporate Secretary Scottie Stephenson, on April 15, 2002.  She had been a cornerstone of Capitol Broadcasting for 58 years, serving a variety of roles, and originating many of the positions she held.  While Scottie did not have to experience the COVID pandemic, she lived through many other world-wide crises, […]

Durham Bulls Stay Connected with Fans Despite No Opening Day Game

Durham Bulls Digital Play Ball Magazine

The Durham Bulls should have taken the field for the 2020 season opener last Thursday, April 9th, but the coronavirus pandemic is keeping the DBAP closed for now.  The Bulls are continuing to connect with fans and help others. “While we don’t know when our Opening Day will officially take place, we know we will […]

Our State Features Rocky Mount Mills, Focusing on Opportunities

Rocky Mount Mills in Our State magazine

Our State magazine recently released the April 2020 edition, which includes a feature on Rocky Mount Mills. Our State features editor Louise Jarvis Flynn penned the piece entitled, “Rocky Mount Mills: A Village on the Rise.” She described how Capitol Broadcasting began developing the abandoned cotton mill and campus seven years ago. For nearly two […]

CBC Continues FREE Webinar Here To Help Series for Local Businesses on April 9

CBC Here to Help Webinar

Capitol Broadcasting and WRAL continue the Here to Help webinar series for local businesses during the COVID-19 crisis with the third installment on Thursday, April 9, 2020.  The FREE local business web series begins at 2pm with local experts across a variety of industries sharing useful, actionable steps you can take for your business right […]