Two WRAL personalities have been subjects of articles in Cary Magazine. Both WRAL-TV Anchor Bill Leslie & Chief Meteorologist live in the Triangle city for which the magazine is named.
 Cary Magazine features WRAL-TV’s Bill Leslie ‘s love affair with music. |
In “Bill Leslie: A Man of Music,” Cary Magazine Editor Danielle Caspar profiles the long-time WRAL anchor and reporter. The article, appearing in the May/June 2004 edition of the publication, concentrates on Leslie’s love of music, his history with making it over the years, and his latest CD “Peaceful Journey.” Caspar also talks about Leslie’s reporting and his comments about his on-air team.
“Reporting the news on a daily basis isn’t always glamorous, and it’s important to have a sense of humor, he said,” Caspar wrote. She continued by quoting Leslie: “‘In this business, we all develop a tough skin,’ he said. ‘If you internalize all of the bad stuff, you can become pretty miserable.’”
 WRAL-TV’s Greg Fishel talks to Cary Magazine about his weather forecasting. |
Caspar features the WRAL Chief Meteorologist in “WRAL’s Greg Fishel: Weather Hound” for the January/February 2005 edition of Cary Magazine.
“Greg said that every day, he feels fortunate to have a job where he gets paid to do what he loves and work with an incredible staff of good communicators and good scientists,” Caspar wrote.
She focuses on Fishel’s career as a meteorologist, the nuts and bolts of how he reports the weather, how he found weather reporting as a career, and his philosophy about his work. She also talks about Fishel’s infamous sense of humor.
Photographer David Sciabarasi captured both men on film in action in the newsroom at WRAL for the pieces.
Click the links below for the full articles:
Articles are reprinted in its entirety with permission
from Cary Magazine editor Danielle Caspar.
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