Several CBC Employees Receive Honors in the Raleigh MetroMagazine’s “MetroBravo Awards

Several CBC Employees Receive Honors in the Raleigh MetroMagazine’s “MetroBravo Awards” Employees from WRAL-TV5 and MIX 101.5 won honors in the sixth annual “MetroBravo Awards” conducted by the Raleigh Metro Magazine. These awards are listed in the June 2005 issue, which take place in two parts. The first round of winners (in this month’s issue) […]
Kirstin Elrod, Miss North Carolina To Sing National Anthem at Durham Bulls Game

Kirstin Elrod, Miss North Carolina To Sing National Anthem at Durham Bulls Game Miss North Carolina Kirstin Elrod will sing the National Anthem at the Bulls game on June 17th. Kirstin Marie Elrod, the reigning Miss North Carolina, and Second Runner-Up to Miss America, will sing the National Anthem on Friday, June 17, 2005, prior […]