Pelicans Lend Helping Hand In Community

Pelicans Lend Helping Hand In Community MBBC’s Matt O’Brien puts the finishing touches on on one of the six “game desks” that the Pelicans staff put together. On Friday, September 9, 2005, the Myrtle Beach Pelicans front office staff broke out their drills, paintbrushes, hammers and sand paper and joined nearly 200 volunteers in an […]

Calling All Football Fans

Calling All Football Fans FOX 50 Freebies Kicks Off New Contest Armchair quarterbacks and office pool junkies: Need more bragging rights? Looking for something to do on your lunch hour? Wanna beat your friends without leaving the comfort of your climate-controlled, florescent-lit office cubicle? We like to play online too – Click on over to […]