Pelicans Announce Inaugural Pumpkin Carving Contest
With Halloween creeping up around the corner the Myrtle Beach Pelicans are inviting fans to send us photos of their carved pumpkins as part of the inaugural Pelicans Pumpkin Carving Contest.
Fans are welcomed to carve their pumpkins, take a photo, and send it to abarwick@mb-baseball.com. The Pelicans front office will then judge the pumpkins and determine a winner of the contest. The winner will receive a special prize pack from the Pelicans. Each and every pumpkin photo that is sent in will receive recognition on the Pelicans homepage. So, start carving!
In the spirit of the Halloween fans stopping by the Pelicans front office will be able to take home a tasty treat from the front desk. The Pelicans front office looks forward to seeing your pumpkin carving talent!
The promotion will run through November 6th and a winner will be announced after that time. Happy Carving!
Thanks to MBBC’s Ryan Ibbotson for this capcom story.