WRAL-TV’s Al Robinson takes a photo of Sonya Williams Harris (left), host of Tar Heel Talk, with Dr. Bonnie Vause.
Did you ever think that a breaking news story on WRAL-TV could inspire a novel? Well that’s what happened to author Dr. Bonnie Vause of Wilson.
She stated that upon coming home from a challenging day as the lead teacher of exceptional needs children, she wanted to relax and share her woes with her husband. Their interaction was interrupted by a “breaking news announcement “from WRAL-TV News concerning her hometown of Smithfield.
Dr. Vause used that incident in a plot to introduce her books lead character, Dr. Elisabeth Davenport. The “incident” prompts the character to return to her hometown and confront the past she successfully placed into the deepest recess of her mind.
We asked Dr. Vause, who was born and raised in what she describes as a “Mill Town,” if this story was about her life. (She told us that her family and neighbors all worked in the Burlington Mill plant located in Smithfield, North Carolina.) As hard as they worked they all lived near poverty by any standards she said.
She was very coy about whether or not the lead character was based on her life. You see, Dr. Vause earned a M.Ed. from East Carolina University, and then an Ed.D from Walden university. She has been a teacher for over twenty years and finds great satisfaction in working with special needs students.
She recently visited the WRAL-TV studios to tape an episode of Tar Heel Talk. Her book “Fast Escape” is a psychological suspense novel with a southern flair according to Dr. Vause. This is the first book of a series named The Davenport Saga, which follows several members of the Davenport family. Her books are generating quite a bit of talk include talks of movie rights. Move over Nicholas Sparks!
For more information on the local author and teacher, you may visit her website at: www.bonnievause.com
You may view a book trailer at: http://vimeo.com/88158755
Tar Heel Talk appears on FOX 50 at 6:30am on Sunday Mornings.
Thanks to WRAL-TV’s Clarence Williams for this capcom story & photo.