WRAL-TV Staffers, Lip Sync and a BIGG Idea

What do Sandy and Danny, Kenny and Dolly have in common with two WRAL staffers? Lip sync and a BIGG idea and the amazing Chris Rosati. WRAL-TV Anchor/Reporter Sloane Heffernan and WRAL-TV News Photographer Chad Flowers agreed to participate in a lip sync battle to help Rosati raise funds for his BIGG Gala on Saturday, […]
Two CBC Tower Lighting Events This Week

‘Tis the season for the lighting of the towers. WRAL-TV will start the fun with its annual tower lighting on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, and American Tobacco will follow with its annual tower lighting celebration on Friday, December 4. The TV Tower WRAL-TV marks the beginning of the holiday season each year by lighting the […]