Fletcher Foundation Buys Building

Fletcher Foundation Buys Building 1911 Photo Former department store, second historic downtown structure purchased by foundation, will be center for nonprofits or arts groups. The A.J. Fletcher Foundation is buying the former Boylan Pearce department store building on Fayetteville Street Mall in downtown Raleigh, NC and plans to turn it into a facility for nonprofits. […]

Briggs Building Renovation Featured In Our State

Briggs Building Renovation Featured In Our State Our State magazine featured the Briggs Hardware Building, home of the A.J. Fletcher Foundation, in an article about North Carolina architecture in its November issue. After purchasing the building in 1997, the Fletcher Foundation spearheaded the renovation effort during 1997-98 and moved into its offices on the 4th […]

Pam Saulsby and Todd Cohen Serve On Non-Profit Media Panel

Pam Saulsby and Todd Cohen Serve On Non-Profit Media Panel Capitol Broadcasting Company’s Pam Saulsby, WRAL TV5 News Anchor, and AJ Fletcher Foundation’s Todd Cohen, publisher for the Nonprofitexpress, appeared on a media panel at the Sheraton Imperial in RTP, NC. The panel was there to discuss ways to help members of non-proft organizations communicate […]

Fletcher Foundation Launching Nonprofit News Site

Fletcher Foundation Launching Nonprofit News Site Starting Jan. 1, 2000, a new Web site will deliver daily news about philanthropy and nonprofits in North Carolina and the U.S. Nonprofit News Online, a project of the A.J. Fletcher Foundation, also will feature a free, weekly email newsletter. Nonprofit News Online will report on fundraising, giving, managing, […]

A.J. Fletcher Foundation Moves to Historic Building in Downtown Raleigh

A.J. Fletcher Foundation Moves to Historic Building in Downtown Raleigh The A. J. Fletcher Foundation has joined forces with Preservation North Carolina (PNC) to save the historic Briggs Hardware Building on the Fayetteville Street Mall in Raleigh, North Carolina. Built in 1874, the building stood for a time as the tallest building in eastern North […]

Don Wilder Lays Down the Baton and Retires

Don Wilder Lays Down the Baton and Retires After more than 1,800 performances of 31 different operas, Don Wilder, the Artistic Director and Conductor of the National Opera Company, has retired. Don’s retirement, July 31st, follows 30 years of service with the opera company, starting in 1963. Don recalls traveling over the years with the […]

A.J. Fletcher Foundation Launches Website

A.J. Fletcher Foundation Launches Website The A.J. Fletcher Foundation site on the World Wide Web has made its debut. The primary focus is traditionally on education, communication and the arts, however, the foundation funds agencies and organizations addressing a wide variety of social issues and charitable endeavors. The site includes A.J. Fletcher Foundation grant information, […]