Freedmen’s Villages and Juneteenth: A CBC DEIB Council-Created Resource

Capitol Broadcasting Company’s 2022 DEIB Council has been hard at work creating resources to educate our employees on the significance of Juneteenth, featuring the historic Oberlin Village. WRAL-TV Sports Plus Executive Producer Louis Fernandez and Council Co-Chair MCC Director Business Development Christian Adams assisted with creating a video interview with Grady Bussey, Director of the […]

Juneteenth in the Triangle: Your guide to historic tours, exhibits, events and festivals

By Heather Leah, WRAL multiplatform producer Juneteenth commemorates the abolition of slavery in the United States. The first Juneteenth was June 19, 1865, when in the aftermath of the Civil War, federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas to take control and ensure the freedom of all enslaved men, women and children. Considered the longest-running African […]

Applications Now Being Accepted for 2022 WRAL Azalea Celebration

The 36th Annual WRAL Azalea Celebration is now accepting applications from non-profits for the 2022 plant giveaway.  Sponsored by WRAL-TV, MIX 101.5 WRAL-FM, FOX 50, and NC Beautiful, the Azalea Celebration promotes environmental education, beautification and stewardship by awarding azalea plants to non-profits in North Carolina. All applications must be postmarked by August 25, […]

Fandom On Display: A Perk Of Working at CBC

Kate Rhudy & Anita Normanly

Working in the office definitely has some unexpected and unique perks at Capitol Broadcasting.  Corp TV Production Manager Anita Normanly happened to arrive for the day in time to meet one of her favorite local musicians, Kate Rhudy!  Rhudy was in the WRAL Gardens to perform live on the WRAL Morning News on FOX 50 […]

Azalea Gardens bench dedicated in memory of WRAL employee killed in crash

Family members, friends and coworkers of WRAL employee Erin Simanskis gathered Wednesday in the WRAL Azalea Gardens, where a bench was dedicated in her memory. Erin died in January after being hit by a van during a January snowstorm on her way home from work. Read the full story, watch video and learn more […]

COVID Time Capsule

Corp Vice President of Special Projects George Habel recently revisited his blog, Note to Self, to ponder what he might keep as a reminder of this time of COVID. Here’s what he had to say: Just when I think COVID is in the rear view mirror, I’m confronted by its annoying persistence – a surging variant […]

CBC Cares Ukraine Wraps Five-Day Focus, Resources Remain Available

Last week every Capitol Broadcasting division took part in a CBC Cares effort to highlight the agencies and organizations supporting Ukraine.  From parking lot flags and massive banners, to fountains and towers glowing blue and yellow, to a social media takeover—our message is clear—WE STAND WITH UKRAINE. For 5 days, beginning last Wednesday, on WRAL-TV […]

CBC Cares Ukraine Continues with Highlights from CBC Divisions

Every Capitol Broadcasting division is taking part in a CBC Cares effort to highlight the agencies and organizations supporting Ukraine.  From parking lot flags and massive banners, to fountains and towers glowing blue and yellow, to a social media takeover—our message is clear—WE STAND WITH UKRAINE. For 5 days, beginning yesterday, on WRAL-TV and, we […]

CBC Stands with Ukraine

Capitol Broadcasting Company and our divisions are proud to highlight the agencies and organizations supporting Ukraine. Be a part of “CBC Cares” by learning more about these great non-profits and how you can help. Join CBC as we come together as community for CBC Cares: from now through Sunday, we will spotlight a non-profit working […]

Football Standout T.J. Thorpe Joins HighSchoolOT Team

Capitol Broadcasting has signed Durham native and former college and pro football player T.J. Thorpe to an agreement to be a HSOT Football Analyst this year.  As part of that, Thorpe will host his own show, “The T.J. Thorpe Show,” which will be on HSOT, WRALSports+ and the CBC Podcast Network.  He will also co-host […]